About Us

Our Story

NewzGlobal24 is a online news blog where we publish the fact-checked information about the global occurrences for the netizens. We deep-dive into our research about any subject and sift the facts and truth behind it thoroughly before publishing the comprehensive news piece on our platform, ensuring that the readers get to know the unfiltered and unmanipulated information.


Our Purpose

Our core purpose is to educate the facilitate information about the sought-after subjects to spread awareness and provide empowerment. We primarily cover news and information  from the niches like sport, technology, politics, entertainment etc. on this platform and attempt to keep the audience abreast of the current affairs. We believe that people are credulous and the mainstream channels capitalize on the vulnerability of the audience to promote misinformation about different subjects with bias and  hidden agendas. Through this platform, we are making an attempt to provide bias-free information to promote the old-school legitimate way of journalism. 

Our Team

We are a small and competent group of authors, storytellers, journalists, graphic artist and analyst with combined experience of multiple decades. We are independent thinkers gathered with a common vision. Our editorial team conducts extensive research, leverage on the life’s and industry’s experience to give the readers a perspective to consume content in a responsible and sensible way to enhance knowledgebase and self-awareness.

Correction Policy

We aim to produce content on this news blog with flawlessness and accuracy. We  thoroughly own any unintended editorial or factual error in the content published on our platform and admit the visible errors and take immediate corrective action. We shall retract any content or make amendments on this website, subject to the grievances or legal advice.


In case if you find any error in the information on this website, you can raise your grievance by mailing us as [email protected]